Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014



A Load cell is a transducer that is used to convert a force into an electrical signal. This conversion is indirect and happens in two stages. Through a mechanical arrangement, the force being sensed deforms a strain gauge. The strain gauge measures the deformation (strain) as an electrical signal, because the strain changes the effective electrical resistance of the wire. A load cell usually consists of four strain gauges in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. Load cells of one strain gauge (quarter bridge) or two strain gauges (half bridge) are also available.[1] The electrical signal output is typically in the order of a few millivolts and requires amplification by an instrumentation amplifier before it can be used. The output of the transducer can be scaled to calculate the force applied to the transducer. The various types of load cells that exist include Hydraulic load cells, Pneumatic load cells and Strain gauge load cells.

Sebuah Load cell adalah transduser yang digunakan untuk mengubah gaya menjadi sinyal listrik. Konversi ini tidak langsung dan terjadi dalam dua tahap. Melalui pengaturan mekanik, kekuatan yang merasakan deformasi strain gauge. The strain gauge mengukur deformasi (strain) sebagai sinyal listrik, karena beban perubahan hambatan listrik efektif kawat. Sebuah sel beban biasanya terdiri dari empat pengukur regangan dalam konfigurasi jembatan Wheatstone. Sel beban dari satu strain gauge (jembatan kuartal) atau dua pengukur regangan (setengah jembatan) juga tersedia. [1] Output sinyal listrik biasanya di urutan beberapa milivolt dan membutuhkan amplifikasi oleh penguat instrumentasi sebelum dapat digunakan . Output dari transduser dapat ditingkatkan untuk menghitung gaya yang diterapkan untuk transduser. Berbagai jenis sel beban yang ada termasuk sel beban hidrolik, sel beban Pneumatic dan Regangan sel beban gauge.

Jenis-jenis load cell :
1. Load cell shear beam
2. Load cell tension (S-type)
3. Load cell compression
4. Load cell double ended beam

Kami menjual berbagai model load cell sesuai dengan kebutuhan user dan aplikasi di lapangan
seperti untuk :
- floor scale
- bench scale
- truckscale
- batching scale
- belt scale
- weighing test
- dls

Kami menjual load cell stockist


Capacities: 500 to 20k lbs, 250 to 5000 kg
High side-load tolerance
Electroless nickel-plated-alloy tool steel
NTEP Class III 5000M for SQB, SQB-F and SQB-SS available from 1k to 10k lbs
SQB-SS stainless steel construction

Truck/rail scales
Silo/hopper/tank weighing
Platform scales (multiple load cells)
Pallet truck scales
Packaging machines

SQB is a single-ended shear beam load cell designed for multiple cell
applications such as low profile platform or small tank scales when used
with proper mounting

Price Load Cell STOCKIST
1. Load cell shear beam                                         Price Rp. 2.200.000,- included PPN10%
    Type : SQB-500kg    
    Cap. : 500kg
    Merk : Celtron    
2 Load cell shear beam                                          Price Rp. 2.200.000,- included PPN10%
    Type : SQB-1T  
    Cap. : 1 ton
    Merk : Celtron  
 3 Load cell shear beam                                          Price Rp. 2.200.000,- included PPN10%
   Type : SQB-2T
   Cap. : 2 ton
   Merk : Celtron

4. Load cell shear beam                                          Price Rp. 3.630.000,- included PPN10%      
    Type : SQB-2.5T          
    Cap. : 2.5 ton
    Merk : Celtron   

5. Load cell shear beam                                          Price Rp. 3.850.000,- included PPN10%
    Type : SQB-5T
    Cap. : 5 ton
    Merk : Celtron


Price Load Cell STOCKIST
1. Load cell shear beam without surefoot            Price Rp. 990.000,- included PPN10%
Type : SQB-500kg
Cap. : 500kg
Merk : STAR   
2 Load cell shear beam without surefoot             Price Rp. 990.000,- included PPN10%
Type : SQB-1T
Cap. : 1 ton
Merk : STAR

3 Load cell shear beam without surefoot             Price Rp. 990.000,- included PPN10%
Type : SQB-2T
Cap. : 2 ton
Merk : STAR   


informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi :
Jl. Daan Mogot Km.2 No.119
Ruko Aldiron Hero Blok D No. 8
Jakarta Barat
Telp.: +62-21-56960099
Fax : +62-21-56944083